Saturday, September 15, 2007

Strange signs - Engrish

Ah you forgot your dictionary in the hotel room and you are looking for a pharmacy, internetbar, ... You try to speak in English but nobody understands you. And the strange signs on the front of the buildings don't help either. Does this sound common to you, well then you might have experienced the huge communication problem you might encounter in Asia. Especially China and Japan are no 1 countries for such an embarrassment.

But these countries are trying to do their best to help us foreigners, who can't understand a single sign of their exotic language, by putting an English subscript. Now those translations, I think, are done by a machine or a man holding a dictionary and copying the appropriate words. That's how you get very very strange translations or misspellings ( a famous one is the "crap" soup ).

There are some funny websites dedicated to this subject, check Engrish for English bloopers in Japan and Chinglish for the ones in China.

Here is my collection so far.



Wouter7 ¶ said...

hilarisch!! Heb er trouwens ook enkele van die soort zitten, verscholen in mijn foto-archieven...I let you know when I find them!