We all have been indoctrinated that Superman is a comic hero developed by American writer Jerry Siegel. And it is also clear that superman is coming from the planet Krypton. His parents send him as an infant to earth, just before the destruction of his home planet. And on earth he grew up, got himself the nickname Clark Kent en saved the planet from several catastrophes and malicious evil plans.
But what if the creation of superman was based on an old Korean sign?
Yin and Yang symbolise in the old Chinese philosophy all the opposites in the world like: negative and positive, woman and man, moon and sun, ...
And so in the Korean flag blue is Yin and red is Yang.
Next to the Yin Yang sign you will find 4 trigrams taken from the Yi Ching, which is the very old Chinese Book of Changes. This book was and still is used for divination practises.
Upper row from left to right are the trigrams for heaven and moon. While the two lower ones from left to right are sun and earth.
Interesting flag isn't it!
Another sign seen very often in Korea, especially on historical buildings is the Sam-Taegeukgi.
So we still find the round Yin Yang shape but no duality between 2 colours, here a third colour is present. As seen above, here blue represent Yin and so represents Heaven. Red was seen for Yang en represent Earth.
The new colour is yellow, which stands for the middle and Humanity. Even in ancient China the Yellow emperor was the only one allowed to wear yellow as he was the connection between heaven and earth.
So in this Korean sign it is clear that the duality between Heaven and Earth, Negative and Positive, and all other dualities in the world effects humans. But as the yellow colour also spins around equaly as red and blue it can influence Heaven and Earth as well. All three are connected and influence each other.
So going back to superman. When we inspect his attire these three colours are coming back. His cape and boots are red, his suit is mostly blue and his belt is yellow. The Superman logo is a yellow and red sign on a blue background, normally visible on our hero's chest. Superman forms the human connection (yellow) between heaven (blue), his former planet Krypton, and earth (red), where he is Clark Kent and changes in Superman to kick some serious butt in name of goodness. Would it be pure coincidence that blue, red and yellow were used to depict superman?
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